Posts by Yunyu

Air Borne zombie viruses

Sometimes I think, in another lifetime, I would be burnt as a heretic.

Then again, a lot of my best friends would, then we would have some sort of revolution in the metaphysical world,build an alternative from heaven and hell and actually have some fun…

Sometimes I just dream wierd and need to remove my zombie wallpaper as my friend Queenie would observe. Queenie by the way is a manga artist and you should all go check out her latest work “The dreaming”. It’s old school scary, as in, it actually has a pretty damn good plot compared to alot of the muck that’s available at the moment.

Back to my dream.

Some nights ago, I was running way from Zombies. They were still the same meat-eating idiots that remind me of Gluttony from Full Metal Alchemeist. Then there was something different,

The Zombie virus was also air-born.

The good news was of course, you always knew who the Air-borne carriers were. The bad? You had 60secs to leave the 100metre radius of destruction. Air-borne zombie carriers look like us and are not zombies. The only outstanding thing about them was this:

At random notice, air-borne Zombie carriers head, trance like to the nearest public space, start singing this piercing, haunting tune. and then hack blood balls that go bouncing off the floor before they burst…then anyone within line of sight become zombies.

Of course, after seeing one such blood ball explode I woke up.

No, didn’t become zombie.

Yes looked up meaning of zombie in dreams just for the heck of it. Apparently zombies represent the mundane. Running away from Zombies means running away from the mundane life. In my case…my life as a corporate drone.

I didn’t become zombie. Please let this be a sign that my music will take me far far away from the corporate zone.

I insist on dreaming today…after all my boss just informed me that my cosy 4 day office gig was going to be advertised as a 5 day one…which in all probability means that some movement is on the cards…

Day job wise.

Melbourne, and soul whoring

Missed me? Just reeling back to reality after a short stint to Melb. Doing the whole full time thing for the remaining 5 weeks to get as much mula $$$ as spiritually possible. Yes, whoring the soul for the last time…hopefully. So here are a couple of back posts, mostly because I refuse to fund internet cafes – even for the shortest time….because it’s simply too painful to watch valued internet time slip by….

Lenore Virus

Dunno how you guys did it, but Lenore has jumped from Zero views to 881 and counting on youtube in ONE day. Keep spreading minions. Great job.

Help spidey eat the Goliath majors.

Thanks for buying the albums too! I’d love to hear what you thought of it. I already had a very detailed breakdown of the tunes from a fan/friend. I’d like more of those.

Will post his email up in a little bit + my replies. 🙂

PS: once again Thank u Warren Ellis and His Holy Slut Army. Once again, I acknowledge your power Mr Ellis. Allow me the honour of writing your hymns when you decide to become God.

Lenore's Song Vid Clip is here

Dear all,
You heard about the machine killing. You heard the editor’s cries.

Now…. View the terror that is Lenore’s Song

I ask that you make her curse viral, I ask that you hit the “share” buton (bottom right) and paste the youtube code on whatever online space you got. We ask you to tell your friends.

We thank you.
Spread the curse that is Lenore.
Better yet, help me stick the concepts of marketing music up the major label’s Royal Asses.

—end cheesy horror message—

You should be working

For those still at work. Here’s a some source of afternoon entertainment, if you are bored or just determined to get fired.

Check out the webcomics entry (bottom) I have inadvertently spent the afternoon following their links. The blog features some pretty interesting discusssions on some of my favourite writers Garth Ennis and Warren Ellis.

I happen to know that these people know their schtuff, we exchange libraries from time to time.

Download Lenore's Song video clip

For those who have been requesting a copy of Lenore’s Song Video clip, a lo-res version is now available for download here


Else, it’s included in the album you can buy..


Minions who rob my speech

Today’s minion of the day goes out to both
Youri Zoutman — who has Yunyu-fied his laptop.


Whoever posted on this NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK Dutch website (scroll to middle). I cannot understand Dutch so I am laughing because I’m superimposed on a site that (graphically) looks like porn. someone please translate what

“Een beetje net zo’n dwerg als Björk maar dan van Oosterse origine en zonder doorlopende wengbrauwen. Heeft wat kittigs.” means.

I am amused and curious, mostly amused…I think. I’ve gotten as far as knowing that it’s Bjork related. yeah?

***This post is dedicated to all minions who have been spreading spidey’s word in their own ingenious little ways 🙂 Thank you.***

Apologies to the Norminions

Spidey bestows humblest apologies to Norminions. CDBABY’s supplies have dried up a lot quicker than I thought it would. Don’t fret minions, still plenty of special minion packages.

I have sent them on their way via express and they should reach CDBABY before the end of this week. I will let you know and extend the special minion prices by a couple more days. 🙂

Wait a bit yeah?

Hippie artist on the loose in the hills.

After an altercation of sorts with the muses. I’m happy to announce that they have come back in force and I’ve allowed myself 2 weeks of being a hippie artist in the hills. The songs have been coming in nicely…nothing completed but they are structured bones whose flesh I can fill with surity. (if there is such a word). The rest of the times I’ve been catching up with reading reading and more reading.

Then of course, I’ve started collaborating on a Zombie story of sorts. Figured I could’nt let my zombie dreams go to waste.

So yes. I’m waiting to be rid of the day job I’ve heard sometime August, then I’ll really fuck off to the hills to be an artist. Meanwhile I’ll have to wear the whole corporate drone tag for a little while more. major yayness.

Lenore vid clip has been coming along nicely. And they will be delivered cranky and wailing into my hands on 6/6/06. Nice.

got a gig to tell you guys about too. in a bit though. Something’s tugging me by the hair and hurtling me towards my piano…

Fireflies is the Shite

Here’s a minion holler. Busy writing a juicy article of bitch-dom re: a certain article on So while I get my main act together you should all check out the podcast Cool shite on the tube because
1) they are really fucken good
2) they are reviewing “Grave of the fireflies” which is the film that inspired my tune “Fireflies”
3) They used Fireflies as a track
4) they really are the shit.

so yeah…I promise the next article will be something juicier. Just gotta do some mild research….RESEARCH is important when you want to MAIM someone with words…

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