Melb hols + Adam the Trooper.

Off to Melb in a bit. For mostly hols, I think I’ll need a short break before what is to come. Lenore recently scored a grading opportunity in the same studios as superman returns. I’m not quite sure what grading does (about to find out though), but anything associated with some sort of Hollywood related tech gear sounds pretty schweet to me.

I am learning heaps about film production watching my crew work, and sometimes helping with bits and pieces, and I like that they take the time to explain to me what the hell’s going on half the time. It’s been fun, beats trying to pretend you know filming by watching extras on DVD anyways.

At the moment, Lenore is in a process called up-ressing. I already have a final cut of Lenore’s in my hand which I will randomly flash at people I meet. It’s a fun calling card. Be patient though, I’m told the final product will be 10 times better.

Anyways, to initially edit the clip, a low res version of all 17000 digital pics had to be made. This is so that the 2 gig ram on Adam’s computer doesn’t choke. Even then, it occasionally splutters. So with up-ressing (you guessed it), it involves going through the original res pics, deciding which pics you have used for the final cut and then replacing the low res clip with the high res images. AIKH! Hardwork! Bonza to Adam who is ploughing through that like a mighty trooper.

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