Flight homeward and setting up the lair

Hola minions
Hailing from Singapore at the moment. here till the start of march. Apparently we have run out of plane tickets so I’m marooned for a couple more days after the Chinese New Year.

If u ask, the flight home was “interesting”, I was stuck between snot kid and flab man (who really should have been put on a double seat despite a full plane). Post an 8 hour flight from Sydney to Singapore I had one squashed left boob and had a bio hazardous right trouser leg full of toddler snot and puke. Much interestingness. That should put me off breeding or eating anything greasy for the next couple of months.

Other highlights, sent my kid brother to the army this Friday. Getting hauled off to the army is what is known as a mandatory “rite of passage” on the glorious island of Singapore. Good for people watching when there are families crying more than the entire cast of the “Bold and Beautiful”. Not much condolences for my brother, Dad’s an army freak and his only sister is fiendishly excited about the fact that her brother is about to be shaved balder than a turkey.

All good though, I don’t see many things fazing my brother.

Hopefully I’ll still be getting some work done. Families are awesome things, they are also distracting things. Mostly, it’s about getting them to understand that once I whip out my powerbook and am either drawing or writing or talking to meself, it’s time to steer clear.

I’m strolling through some footage of the house gigs at the moment, cutting through them and contemplating which ones to throw out…

Meanwhile if u think I’m hopelessly in love with my powerbook I see someone comfortably worse.


  1. meist3r



    Why is it that you ladies always demand a couple more inches? Let’s be honest the 24″ wouldn’t fit anyway … uhm on the desk of course. I am still talking about the monitor… right?

  2. Kitunae



    I was thinking that maybe there should be a Yunyu page on wikipedia – since that’s where a lot of people check stuff these days (inc. me)

    All you gotta do is copy/paste the bio page onto a YUNYU page on wiki and cite it.

    Might help get more people to know about the awesome music!!!

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