Dear muse

Dear muse/s

I have no delusions about who is in control here. I know it’s not me. If someone’s going to drag me by the hair with a tune in her head, it’s going to be you.

Not me.

You set the goals, not me. You decide when you are going to write 15 songs in 2 days or 5 songs in 365 days. I now know it’s your call. I also know that 3 days ain’t going to cut it for a writing break, because you are probably going to want to spend the first 7 days cleaning up and catching up on reading and doing whatever you damn well please. Yes I know that…I finally find 3 days of slack time and you made me vacuum the vortexes aka blackholes forming in my room just so u can write.

So we have ended up…not quite writing again. You are a Nazi at times but I’ll only love you more.

Books and films to be read and seen remain mountainous and I realise you probably want to catch up on all before you ever speak to me again. I realise that I haven’t really been listening to you and it is only right that you grant me the same courtesy of silence after all this time.

After all I’ve been ignoring you. By painful choice. Because I want to get to the point of being able to speak to you all the time everytime for the rest of my life and not be tainted by drone world.

To pull that off, sometimes you’re going to have to take a back seat only somestimes.Still, I apologise deeply. I do miss you lots. I miss waking up at 3am with you because you had something to tell me. I miss learning from you even when sleep eludes me in the studio. I guess I just miss my friend.

I promise you that sometime in August, rain or shine I will lock myself away from humanity for a minimum of 8 weeks and be with you again…but first there is much to do before we fuck off to the hills to be an artist.

It would be fun…just u and I. See u then but do drop by.


  1. shorebuck


    This may be a bit late but I saw your issue with the dead hard disk – I’ve used Data Rescue II to get data back a few times, and it works lovely – you can download it as a demo and test it to see if it works for free, and i ts about 130 bucks AUS to purchase, which can be done all over the web – worked for me, and I started sleeping again.

  2. Yunyu


    hey thanks for that 🙂 will go check it out, because I have a very dead PC here that I think is suffering from the same disease

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