Lenore’s Song is being Dugg

Hmm…Just realised that Lenore’s Song is being Dugg. Thanks to

Help me send it to the top of the Digg Charts? Most original music videos that actually make it up there are from majors anyways, would be kinda cool to see it up there despite the odds.  🙂 *Dream…drool…* and then maybe I can garner enough to actually physically tour….or be on the way to anways.

In other news, this week is looking good to do my filming at the graveyard. Rain seems to have let off for now. So any last minute requests for songs and covers for the online gigs are still opened.

Meanwhile I’m back to the studio. I’m working on chrismas presents for you, dear minions. :). Don’t ask me what it is. I’d never spill.

Ok, go grant Lenore’s Song a vote now. thanks again

PS: The status of Sunscreen festival will be announced 5th Dec. thanks for the fingerwork  too.
PPS: Much thanks for the smarty pants comments in the previous journal entry. u amuse me greatly. 🙂


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