Solving musical riddles

So far I’m writing about someone who takes very colourful pills and thinks her doctor is a funny bunny. I don’t know why she’s assumedly gone mad or why she’s talking about repression and everythign that rhymes.
and there’s this thing about red shoes being good things.

But I don’t know why. I don’t get a say in this I suspect. My pen is moving, I have no idea what I am writing and you thought I was a clever songwriter. Random words I tell u random words it is….! Muhahahahah

It’s a week to another gig this saturday and if you are in Sydney Australia, UNSW Roundhouse, 10 am. Which is a rare occurance in itself. For mornings for spidey are indeed mythical times…as some of you have so rightly put it.

Just me and the goat this time. Sofie’s still chasing musical gnomes somewhere in Europe.

Here you go …a peek in my cave. bigger pics are available at source.

riddles to solve

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