The Girl in the Dungeon
Hola all
drop in blogging activity as I return to the studios for a bit of a writing stint. I’ve had so many voices beseige me in the last couple of hours I’ve either been drugged or am going mad. Either ways, I intend to profit from it, which is write. write write.
Maybe the masterpieces I create will pay for my medical bills as I descend into my madness. Ahhh…the universe tends to work itself out.
So if you are curious at all this is where I have been spending the last couple of days. This is a pic of it in day time — me humble home studio. But I hate heat and light, especially when I write so….
(pic has been substantially brightened using photoshop)
In other news, Lenore’s Song has won Gold for the Australian Cinematographer’s Society creaming some entries from Major Labels. Much Joy for the crew
Also rehearsing lots for a gig in Peats Ridge. Much camping and hippie living in store. Some sun involved…eek.