Posts on Jan 1970

A little less vocalisation a little more zither

Dear minions

First off, thanks for the overwhelming response to the Zombie Christmas Carols. Cheers for retweeting it, blogging it and forwarding it to friends, we should make this a yearly thing eh?

Happy New year to all too. Hope the year is unfolding nicely for you.

According to the long gone Mayans we have 2 more years to go before earth shits it’s panties and heaps mega tsunamies on humanity…if we believe the crappy movie version. All the more reason to enjoy more music and entertainment while we can ain’t it?

On this note, I’m very pleased to be announcing that your Royal Madness has been asked to join the Polymorphic Orkestra where I will be playing the Guzheng and Hulusi, Jazz style. I join Lee McIver – Trumpet/Laptop/FX • Peter Slattery – Hand drums/percussion/Drum Kit • Able Cross – Bass • Videokidz – realtime video and animation mixing. Sound triggers visuals, visuals inspire sound. The Polymorphic Orkestra is an amalgamation and exploration of improvised electro acoustic musics and video animations.

All this is part of the Kinectic Jazz Festival which is on the 28th – 31 Jan. We play on the closing of the festival on 31 Jan, tix for the day are $20. For $50, you will get to see a whole heap of awesome jazz musicians play. Ain’t that a bargain?

More info here


Hope to see you there if you’re in Sydney, Australia. For those who live in facebook, the facebook event link is here

and in case you don’t have it, here’s my facebook page where you can reach me for general talkey talkey…

else there’s twitter

Back with you in a bit….
Your Royal madness

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